Princess Rosie

If I bought a book every time I needed to explain a life skill, event, or holiday to C, my library would be enormous. I want her to understand these things, but in a way that is on her level. I’m sure I could visit the library and find something that would work, but I wanted something a little more personal. That’s when I created Princess Rosie.

Princess Rosie came around about the same time we were moving. C vaguely understood the concept and I wanted her to be prepared for the change ahead. She could relate to the life of Princess Rosie and since she is OBSESSED with princesses the stories hold her interest. I can make them long enough to explain and include the details I need. She loves them! We have talked about holidays, sharing, and getting a dog.

C asks to hear a Rosie story all the time. I make them up on the fly and she will go along with almost anything she can relate to in the story. I have found them a valuable tool in teaching her.

Tonight she told me all about Rosie going to school. Something she has been dying to do. I hope that in 1 1/2 years her excitement for school holds just as strong. Now it’s excitement of the unknown, then I hope she finds love for it.

Tomorrow Princess Rosie will be working on learning to pick-up her toys (again). I looked in the playroom and it appears she could use a little reminder.

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